CS Atom Privacy Policy

CS Atom respects your privacy.

Protection of Personal Data

Protecting your privacy in the processing of personal data and ensuring the security of all business data is an important issue for CS Atom, which we consider in our business processes. Protection of personal data from users of our services is particularly important. Information about the privacy policy in our services informs you about the nature, scope, and purposes of the collection and use of personal data by CS Atom in our services. CS Atom ensures that personal data you provide in our services is treated confidentially in accordance with Swedish data protection laws. CS Atom reserves the right to change this information on data protection. In such cases, we will update this document. When you use our services, you agree to our current terms in this privacy policy information.

Access Data and Server Log Files

By default, your activity in our services and every download of files from our servers is logged. Your IP address, browser identification and domain, the name of files downloaded, your geographical location, date and time of activities, and the amount of data transferred are saved in a log file. Data in log files does not refer to individuals. They are used exclusively for internal purposes. The internal purposes for collecting data include the technical administration of our services and anonymous statistical surveys, which enable an analysis of access to our services that is then used to optimize the services to better meet the needs of our users. However, we reserve the right to review these log files if there is a legitimate suspicion of illegal use based on concrete evidence.

Handling of Personal Data

Personal data as referred to in the Swedish Personal Data Act (PUL) are individual details about personal and factual circumstances of an identified or identifiable natural person, including name, address, date of birth, email address, phone number, and date of birth. All these data are subject to special protection, which we ensure with technical and organizational measures according to PUL. Personal data is collected by us only if this is permitted by law, or if you have given your consent. For specific parts of our services, personal or business-related data (email addresses, names, addresses, etc.) may be required from you to use these services. Providing data is expressly voluntary, and by providing this data, you agree that the provided data may be collected, processed, handled, and used for us to contact you, fulfill contracts, protect our legitimate interests, or for the purposes you have designated. Collection, processing, or use for other purposes or distribution to third parties does not occur. This consent can be revoked by you at any time with future effect.

Use of Cookies

We use cookies to improve our services, such as to remember login sessions when desired. Our services may also include third-party services, such as Google Analytics, which may save cookies; CS Atom ensures that these services' privacy policies regarding cookies comply with CS Atom's own. Cookies are small text files sent to the computer when accessing a web service. You can prevent cookies from being saved on your computer by setting your browser so that the storage of such text files on the computer is not allowed; however, this may lead to a functional impairment in our services. Additionally, you can delete the cookies stored on your computer at any time.


CS Atom uses technical and organizational security measures to protect the data provided to us against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, or access by unauthorized persons. Our security measures are continuously improved in line with technological developments. However, please note that when you communicate via the Internet, especially when transmitting email, it is not possible to guarantee data security completely, so we recommend sending confidential information by regular mail. We are committed to protecting your stored personal data, but we cannot take full responsibility for their security. The transmission of data by you to CS Atom is therefore at your own risk.

Information and Right to Object

Upon request, we will inform you in accordance with applicable law, always free of charge and without delay, whether and what personal data is stored by us. CS Atom reserves the right to provide this information electronically. Additionally, in accordance with legal regulations, you have the right to correct, block, and delete personal data for the future, provided there are no legal grounds that exclude this from our side. If you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data, you can contact us.